The Lake Almanor Country Club Mutual Water Company is a mutual nonprofit California corporation incorporated May 15, 1963. The company was organized to provide water for domestic, irrigation and fire protection purposes to shareholders (members). A member must be a property owner in the Lake Almanor Country Club, the Pines residential area, or the Peninsula Village commercial area, all located within an area known as the Lake Almanor Peninsula. This company does not come under the jurisdiction of the California Public Utilities Commission. The company has qualified for nonprofit status for federal and state income tax purposes and for county property tax purposes. |
The information on this website is provided solely for members and potential members of the Lake Almanor Country Club Mutual Water Company, located in an area known as the Lake Almanor Peninsula, Plumas County, California, U.S.A. The information contained herein is believed to be accurate as of the current date. However, the Lake Almanor Country Club Mutual Water Company disclaims any liability or responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein or by virtue of changes which may have occurred subsequent to the preparation of this information